Keeping Markets In Motion
We gave meaning and identity to the world’s biggest brokerage firm.
TP ICAP, the worlds largest firm of professional intermediaries, was launched in 2017 following the acquisition of ICAP by Tullett Prebon.
The reputation of broking had been damaged due to the misconception that personal broking had been made obsolete by impersonal technology. Tullett Prebon had the vision to see that personal brokers are vital to the efficient operation of markets. Given the size of this opportunity - to be a crucial and trusted partner of banks and asset houses across the world boundaries – it was a smart decision to scale up by merging with ICAP. However, this created a requirement to ensure that the new company was well equipped for scrutiny.
The TP ICAP brand is based on personal brokers, supported by technology and data, being seen as crucial to the efficiency of the markets. The economic health of companies, funds, and entire countries depends upon sustainable, efficient trading. Which is why the actions of TP ICAP have significant consequences.
TP ICAP is now positioned as a group of branded businesses providing intermediary services, underpinned by market-leading data and analytics.
We created the brand Idea, ‘Keeping Markets In Motion”. We then developed a smart, confident, visual identity to reflect the dynamism of the new business. This was done in a way that would attract new talent and alter perceptions of the whole sector. A definition of ‘purpose’ for the business was then written to resonate with new talent and form a central part of the Employer Value Proposition.
Having defined the Brand Idea and Brand Visual Identity we worked with the business and implementation agencies to help activate the brand expression across all communications and channels.