Waking the BFG

In North America, Liberty is one of the biggest and most likeable names in retail and commercial insurance.

Until recently however, the brand outside the US has been a sleeping giant. 

But having embraced a business-wide value proposition which sums up the benefits of Liberty’s strength and structure; and having communicated their strategies and risk appetites with clarity and consistency; and having had the confidence to market themselves with a distinctive look and language...

..something rather delumptious has happened.

Liberty Specialty Markets now heads the London Market InsurIndex Brand Power Tracker.

And Gracechurch Consulting’s Brand Power Index isn’t gobblefunk. It’s a crucial measure of presence, preference and trust. 

Liberty’s rise to the top is an outcome of aligned actions, behaviours and communications. And having worked with Liberty Speciality Markets for over five years to define their proposition, create their advertising and help to add £Billions to their value, we think that their success is absolutely whoopsy-splunkers. 

simon case

Founding Partner, Chromatic. I help B2B brands to realise their strategic aims and build equity by helping them to align strategies, identities, communications and experiences.


My Identity Crisis


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