Kidscape: The anti-bullying charity that helps


We defined the brand strategy and identity for a national anti-bullying charity.

  • Bullying and violence in schools, cyber bullying and online grooming are growing problems. Research with more than 300 respondents identified that over 40% had serious concerns about this, while only 15% were confident about addressing them.

    Kidscape are a well-known anti-bullying charity, but very few people know exactly what they do. They were generally thought to aid younger children, but not the more vulnerable teenagers who really need their support.

  • We helped Kidscape identify and express what made them special. They’re ‘the go-to organisation who help children and families affected by bullying’. They offer workshops, assertiveness training, and online support to deal with bullying. They do more than any other organisation to stop bullying and to prevent it happening in the first place.

  • The practical nature of Kidscape’s work informs every aspect of their communications; from a simple strapline - 'Help with Bullying’, to a visual identity that reflects a quote from a child who’d sought help from Kidscape. He’d said that dealing with bullying was like trying to navigate “a maze”. Using this idea, we designed a ‘K’ symbol, which illustrates a way through that maze. It was the basis of a smart, confident brand identity that has none of the 'doom-laden' vernacular of other organisations dealing with similar issues.

  • Rolling out across all channels, training programmes and fund-raising initiatives, we raised and revitalised the Kidscape profile, empowering children to help one other, express solidarity, project confidence and stay safe.


Earlier this year we asked children, parents, carers and supporters what they needed from an anti-bullying charity like Kidscape. The same theme emerged again and again: that people wanted to find a path through it, to not feel so alone, and that they wanted help with bullying. Thanks to Chromatic, our new branding reflects our mission to give practical support to children and families, encouraging those experiencing bullying to reach out to us, knowing that we’ll be with them every step of the way.
— Lauren Seager-Smith, CEO

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