Unknown Pleasures

Last week the insurance industry, an unassuming and often overlooked sector of the economy that actually dwarves car manufacturing, banking, telecoms and technology - and in which the UK are Leaders Of The Free World - had its annual trade show - called Airmic, in Manchester.

And this year, as in 2022, Chromatic’s design for Liberty Specialty Markets was the talk of the show, attracting delegates and envious competitors in droves.

Here’s why.

Strangeways, Here We Come
If you go to any trade show you will see A Cast Of Thousands of stands from the biggest brands in the sector. These are usually slick, well put together and have all cost Fools Gold to create.

Many of them are lovely.

But because they have all approached trade show design in the same way, Everything Everything is similar - and they are also usually very boring.

Take That
Trade show exhibitors have one overarching goal - they want to meet people: press flesh, get leads and show product. But the way they all solve this ‘need to meet’ challenge is usually to design a meeting space. Which means that everyone is trying to answer the same problem in the same way - hence scores of stands with no Atmosphere that look like portable office reception areas.

Are You A Missing Winner?
But the job of creating a compelling stand is not just to make something that enables sales-teams to pounce on all the Lost Souls that hove into view.

The job, like all marketing, is about Tellin’ Stories.

First, by getting punters on Day’s Like These to visit to the stand. Then, by creating a relevant experience - a music store, for example - that encourages visitors to Step On, Sit Down, smile and remember.

Ever Fallen In Love?
When measured against the multiple-millions car manufacturers spend exhibiting their wares at Frankfurt, Geneva, Paris etc. Airmic is a humble affair. But with a bit of Verve, the right brief and good Technique, even insurers can be Contenders.

Find out more >

simon case

Founding Partner, Chromatic. I help B2B brands to realise their strategic aims and build equity by helping them to align strategies, identities, communications and experiences.


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